The Gwaltney Family Homecoming 2008--page 1
Gwaltneys in America
Introduction and Beginnings
William Gwaltney
The Three Sons
Gwaltneys In America 1
Gwaltneys In America 2
Gwaltneys In America 3
Gwaltneys In America 4
Gwaltney Tidbits-1
Gwaltney Tidbits-2
The Gwaltney Family Scholarship
The Gwaltney Family Scholarship--2
2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-3
2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-3
2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-3
2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-3
2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-2
2014 Gwaltney Homecoming-1
On July 25 and 26, 2008, a historic gathering of Gwaltney family members occured in Smithfield, VA as they came together for the first nation-wide Gwaltney homecoming. We had a wonderful time, meeting each other and getting to know each other. A special bond took place as we all share a common heritage--namely, that of being a GWALTNEY
I have attached photos from the 2008 Gwaltney Homecoming. Most are of the Friday night ice-breaker when we introduced each other. Other photos are family shots. Enjoy the memories!