Gwaltney Family Homecoming 2009--page 2

Gwaltneys in America Introduction and Beginnings William Gwaltney The Three Sons Gwaltneys In America 1 Gwaltneys In America 2 Gwaltneys In America 3 Gwaltneys In America 4 Gwaltney Tidbits-1 Gwaltney Tidbits-2 The Gwaltney Family Scholarship The Gwaltney Family Scholarship--2 2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2014 Gwaltney Homecoming-1

There are more photos of the Homecoming on this page, but primarily this page shows photos from the auto tour we took on Sunday, July 26. We ate at the Surrey House, which was a restaurant founded by the Gwaltney family (although no longer in Gwaltney hands). We also visited Mill Swamp Cemetery, the John Avington Merit Gwaltney homeplace, and the Bethany Methodist Church and Cemetery. The highlight of the tour was to visit the original Gwaltney homeplace that was deeded to our founding father, Thomas Gwaltney, in 1666. The Gwaltneys held the land up until 1870 when they sold it to the Bell Family. We were able to tour the home that is presently on the property. Interesting, while the current home was built shortly after 1870, it is built around a one-room house that is much older and belonged to the Gwaltneys. From this piece of ground, the Gwaltney family migrated to various parts of Surry and Isle of Wight Counties, Virginia and then on to North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and other parts of the country.


Hank, Dr. Jack, and Jackie

The auto tour group gather in front of Will and Bina's home

At the Surrey House Restaurant--Talitha, Cliff, Tommy, Annette, Sharon, Dot, and Harriette

Jean visits with Donald and Lois at the Surrey House


Gathering on the original Gwaltney land granted in 1666

Marilyn and Gus

Gerald and Raymond review how the land moved among the Gwaltneys and then out of their hands

The Gwaltney family standing at the farm on which the original Gwaltney land grant is located

Another view of the motherland in Surry Co. VA

A portion of the 1666 200-acre land grant from which the Gwaltneys migrated across America

Visiting Bethany Methodist Church

Raymond gives the history of the Bethany Church and the impact the Gwaltneys had on the fellowship

Steve and Nelson provided music, humor, and yodeling!

Dr. Bill plays Old Tom and Dudley acted the role of his son William Gwaltney

Marie and Becky take in the entertainment

Lois discusses her quilts

Raymond, Tommy, and Ralph at Bethany Church

Marcia and Frances

Shirley and Patricia

Dudley was the emcee for Saturday night's entertainment

Bobby has a story to tell

George and Margaret look over some notes

Janet introduces Donald, Lois, Vern, Carolyn and Keith

Raymond introduces Chris, Theresa, Talitha, and Cliff