2013 Gwaltney Homecoming--Page 2

Gwaltneys in America Introduction and Beginnings William Gwaltney The Three Sons Gwaltneys In America 1 Gwaltneys In America 2 Gwaltneys In America 3 Gwaltneys In America 4 Gwaltney Tidbits-1 Gwaltney Tidbits-2 The Gwaltney Family Scholarship The Gwaltney Family Scholarship--2 2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2008 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2009 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2010 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2011 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2012 Gwaltney Homecoming-3 2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-1 2013 Gwaltney Homecoming-2 2014 Gwaltney Homecoming-1

Getting ready to eat some birthday cake! The group on Saturday took some time for a family shot before celebrating 400 years of Thomas Gwaltney. A photo of P.D. Gwaltney Jr. is on the overhead. The group particiapted in Smithfields Pan Ham 2013 activity featuring P.D. Gwaltney Jr. Reed Gwaltney is holding P.D.'s photo in the center of the family shot.

Special thanks to Susan Thomas Gwaltney who made a delicious birthday cake recognizing 400 years of Thomas Gwaltney and his descendents.

Gerald speaks during a presentation on early colonial life in Virginia during Thomas Gwaltney's time on earth.

Steve and Gerald had an outstanding presentation on colonial times in Virginia.

The audience looks at the powerpoint while Steve presents.

Thomas and Thomas hold the cake celebrating their namesake's 400th birthday!

Jennifer and David

Jerry, Jerry, and Jerry

Jean, Tammy (partially hidden), Doris, Horace, Dr. Thomas and Dee watch the presentation by Steve and Gerald.

Brian, Reed, and Mason absorb information from Steve and Gerald.

Louise loves to get her photo taken!

Kitty and Jim

Lewis and Jean

Ryan shares his story of tragedy and triumph in the racing industry.

The Gwaltney Trio are a talented southern gospel singing team.

Katie adds her ukelele to the mix.

Dot and Evelyn

Mason, Reed, and Brian

Mike, Joseph, and Amelia


Steve works with a lot of young people teaching them to ride horses and play music. Here Gerald and Nelson assist some of the young people that Steve has taught to play and sing.

Emily and Nelson get ready to sing.

Betty, John, Gary Jr., Ashley, Savannah, Debbie, and Gary III in the front!

Cliff and Debbie visit at Mill Swamp Church during lunch.

Margaret share some ideas at the Sunday luncheon at Mill Swamp Church.

Dot has a thought to share out at our Sunday luncheon at Mill Swamp Church.

Steve begins to discuss the Mill Swamp Indian Horse Farm and Gwaltney Frontier Farm.

The process of training horses out at Mill Swamp Indian Horse Farm.

Steve's Mill Swamp Indian Horse Farm is a beautiful place.

Gene shows Charles his arrow head collection.

Dinner at Bennett Creek Restaurant on Thursday evening.

Katie and Ryan were named recipients of the Gwaltney Family Scholarship at the 2013 Gwaltney Family Homecoming.

Janice Edwards prepares to sing on Saturday afternoon.